
Help to find the path and encouragement to stay on it

Read about our many supportive services, then book here

Hair Analysis

We all want to be healthy and live long, fulfilling lives and Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) can help you do just that.  Your hair contains a lot of data about who you are, how you live, and what your current diet lacks.  Essential minerals are required for good health and because our body cannot synthesize these important minerals, they must be obtained from our diet and/or good supplements.  An HTMA test measures the levels of 20 or more minerals in the hair with the level of accuracy of most blood tests or better.  When using HTMA in Cortney’s coaching program, you work together to identify what vitamins and minerals your body actually needs to achieve optimal health and then take manageable steps to reach your goals.


ZYTO Bio-communication Scans can reveal areas and systems where your body is out of balance and what measures can support the body to restore that balance.  This simple test comes with a comprehensive report to help you and Cortney plan the next steps of your health journey.

Health Coaching

Coaching is about exploration, support, and accountability. In our coaching sessions we will assess your lifestyle and address health concerns by asking powerful questions to explore your values and strengths. Cortney will support you as an ally, without judgment or criticism; and offer accountability by helping you develop actionable goals and a process for tracking and measuring them to promote better health and wellness.

Meditation Coaching

This is where your meditation journey begins! Explore the many different types of meditation and start exploring the right fit for you. Courtney can help you begin or help you improve your practice of being mindful and restorative breathing.

Emotion Code

Treating the whole person is the crux of holistic wellness and would be remiss if the soul is not addressed.  Cortney seeks to balance mind, body, and soul as she helps you uncover potential root causes of discomfort, pain, and suffering.  The body can store up the energy of negative and harmful emotions from the past.  Unlocking and removing those unhealthy energies allows the body to return to balance. 

If you feel the past has been holding you hostage, suffering with emotional wounds, trapped in patterns of heartbreak and self-sabbotage, and perhaps even manifesting in physical pain, please don’t hesitate contact us to explore how we can walk with you towards a potentially powerful breakthrough! 

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