Smoothies & O2 Bar

Replenish - your body needs it and you earned it!

Have we got a “bar” for you!

Oxygen Bar

Aside from the fact that we hang out in high altitude, Oxygen Treatments bring increased energy, memory and brain function, boosts immune system, counters aging and reduces stress.  And for those who participate in our fitness classes, speed up your body’s recovery time while sipping on a smoothie!

15 minute session

Whole-Food Blends

Juice & Smoothie Bar

Available with any massage,

fitness and detox services…

or whenever else it works!

Please note, we’re not always available as we provide services to others but, hey!  We’ll certainly do our best!

Smoothies $8, Juices $4 (Members get $1 off!)

Cancer-Fighting Pumpkin Smoothie -- Our Seasonal Special!

Pumpkin puree, cauliflower, banana, almond butter, pumpkin spice, vanilla, maple syrup, almond or oat milk

Pumpkin is high in carotene and beta-carotene as well as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, folate, potassium, and other antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals which may protect against some cancers as well as boost the immune system.  Cauliflower is also high in many vitamins, minerals, fiber, and choline which can help nervous system function as well as memory and brain function. 

Detox Smoothie

Banana, green apple, carrot, spinach, turmeric, parsley,walnuts, hemp seeds, lemon, cinnamon, almond or oat milk

The pectin in the apples help the cleanse and release toxins from the digestive tract, carrots are high in flavonoids and beta-carotene, bananas are high in potassium which supports your liver and cardiovascular health, walnuts help the liver detoxify ammonia and are high in glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids, parsley has a high concentrate of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, chlorophyll which all help to support the liver and kidneys, vitamin C from the lemons help break down toxic materials, turmeric  assists enzymes that flush out  dietary toxins making it a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Spinach is also high in chlorophyll that helps soak up environmental toxins from the bloodstream; it also helps neutralize heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides and helps protect the liver.  Cinnamon helps stabilize blood sugar and has many circulatory benefits.

Brain Booster

Coconut Milk, Coconut Water, Blueberries,

Beet and Cacao Powder

Coconut boosts brain function due to medium chain triglycerides. The antioxidants in blueberries stimulate the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain; similarly, the nitrates in beets cleanse the blood and encourage blood flow to the brain. Cacao is rich in flavanols which protect brain cells from toxins and inflammation.

Gut Aide Smoothie

Pineapple, lime juice, mint, banana, coconut water

Pineapple contains digestive enzymes called bromelain. These enzymes can help in breaking down the protein molecules which makes it easier for the small intestine to absorb it. Mint can speed up how quickly food moves through the stomach, relieving digestive symptoms associated with indigestion, while lime alkalizes and helps balance the body’s pH levels.

Customizeable Add-ins $.50 ea

Protein Powder, Bee Pollen, Chia Seeds, Greens Powder, Hemp Seeds, Flax Seeds,
Pomegranate Powder, Cacao Powder, Reshi Powder, Maca

Our Fresh Pressed Juices pack a Punch!

small and mighty

All of these contain a ton of anti-inflammatory antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that keep the whole body healthy!!! The benefits of having a juice instead of a smoothie is that there may be a greater concentration of nutrients and the fiber is removed which some believe gives your digestion a little break and therefore nutrients can be more easily absorbed.

Carrot, Apple, Turmeric, Lemon

Carrot, Orange, Ginger

Carrot, Apple, Ginger Beet

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